design – Reading Experience

Wonderful Typography

Feeling Responsive uses Volkhov for headlines, Lato for everything else and if you are in need to show some code, it will be in Lucida Console or Monaco. Read More ›

design – Discussion

Now with Comments!

Blog For a blog you need comments. Like all those other jekyll themes we baked in Disqus. It's easy to set, it works and makes a static jekyll blog more dynamic. Read More ›

design – Headers With Style

No Header

Feeling Responsive allows you to use all kinds of headers. This example shows no header at all. Just the navigation. Read More ›

design – Discovering

Kapil Sharma's new blog

I'd my own personal blog in wordpress but I was never comfortable with wordpress. Fortunately now Github pages and Jekyll seems perfect for my style. Read More ›

design – Headers With Style

No Header but Article Image

Feeling Responsive enables you to get the attention of visitors. If you don't want to use a big header, use an image for the article instead. Read More ›